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Minor Protection Solution

Purify negative information in minors' online space, guide minors to surf the internet safely and use it responsibly, and identify minors to support intelligent operations.

Application Scenarios

Solution Architecture

Protection Minor Content Moderation Solution Architecture. Depicts the process from industries like live streaming, social media, and gaming, through data sources such as text, image, video, and audio, to platform content/user behavior analysis including minor image recognition, minor subject recognition, and voice tone recognition. The model strategy system includes decision engine, profiling engine, model engine, and real-time statistics engine for content and behavior tagging and handling suggestions.

Solution Advantages


Comprehensive profiling of multidimensional content and behavior to collectively support account-level minor identification.


Self-upgrading capabilities with second-level iterations, enjoying increasingly powerful service effects in a SaaS model.


A simple and user-friendly web management console, with lightweight API integration solutions.

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